Congratulations to the Class of 2017 on their outstanding efforts and results. Our 12 VCE students all passed and managed to attain nine A+ and eight A unit results. One student, Leo Kouskouris, here pictured second from the right, ended in the top 9% of the state with a raw score of 40. CONGRATULATIONS TO LEO! According to last year's scaling his result will end up being 44. Between 2011 and 2017 we have had 12 students attain 40+ study raw scores: Yianni Kougioumtzis (44); Nicholas Alexiou, Irene Levou, Michel Liakos (43); Paul Koukoulias, Kyriakos Velos (42); George Mellos, Maria Halkias, Jennifer Liakos, Alexandra Liakos (41), Felicia Mitropoulos (40) and this year Leo Kouskouris (40). A true testament to the educational program of our school and the passion our teachers show from Year Prep to 12.